Thursday, May 29, 2014

Frogmans Creed (explict, excuse language,)

"Been around the world twice, talked to everyone once, I’ve seen two whales fuck, been to two pygmy picnics, been to three world fairs, I even know a man in Thailand with a wooden cock. Drank everything from Rum to cum. Seen a goat rope, two worms arm wrestle, and watched a monkey try to fuck  a football, seen a six pearl petered pino from Diego Garcia and watched the water burn on the Persian Gulf.  I’ve pushed more peter, more sweeter, and more completer than any other peter-pusher around. I’m a hard-bodied, hairy-chested, rootin, tootin, shooting, parachuting, demolition double cap crimping Frogman. There ain’t nothing I can’t do. No sky too high, no sea too rough, no muff too tough. Learned a lot of lessons in my life. Never shoot a large caliber man with a small caliber bullet. Drove a lot of trucks. 2 by's, 4 by's, 6 by's, even those big motherfuckers that bend and go TSSHITT TSSHITT when you step on the brakes. Now lady, if you don't like my face, you can sit on it. Birds do it and fly from it.  Bees do it and die from it. Dogs do it and stick to it.  Anything in life worth doing is worth overdoing. Moderation is for cowards. I’m a lover, I’m a fighter, I’m a UDT Navy SEAL Diver. I’ll wine, dine, intertwine and then sneak out the back door when the refueling is done. If you’re feeling froggy, then you better jump because this Frogman has been there, done that and is going back for more. Cheers, boys.” 

Friday, May 23, 2014

"Miracle Fruit" or New Drug?

The miracle fruit, the newly trending little fruit that can give your taste buds a trick and create the most exotic foods taste like candy. A taste bud trip, which makes Tabasco sauce taste like glazed donuts and hard bitter beer taste like sweet syrup. The miracle fruit takes bitter foods and turns them sweet, and makes ordinary foods so much more exciting. Strawberries, grapefruit, cherries, and oranges... All turn sweeter and juicer than ever. A pack of these popular fruits goes for about 15$ and each pack comes with 10 tablets..

Thursday, May 22, 2014

r.i.p. Jose

If only you knew how much you're loved and how much your missed. Keep an eye on all of us from up there. Rest in peace man, and i'm sorry this happened. Ill be praying for your family.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Education these days...

     In today's world, school is no longer about educational learning. School revolves around memorizing the lessons, repeating them onto tests and receiving good grades, but truly not learning much at all. Now I am not claiming a average student does not learn anything in school... just not enough to make it worth while. 

     Test my theory, go to a grownup who went threw high school and ask them to point out at least 10 in particular things they learned. I bet you it will take awhile for them just to come up with five or six. Lets face it, almost everyone will use a good 50% of what they learned in high school, so why waste your time. 

     Now in argument to myself, I believe high school is a very important aspect of a teenagers life to teach them social skills. This is also controversial considering the people who take social rankings and popularity way to seriously and the second they graduate and go off into the real world, reality hits them hard in the face. But the social skills taught in high school no doubt help a person in the future. 

Thursday, March 27, 2014


     One thing I can not absolutely stand is apologizing. Now lots of you reading this will automatically think "wow this guys a dick..." when you read this but hey, don't judge. I have reasons for all my actions. Now not all apologies are bad. When I realize I'm wrong, I own up to it... and say I'm sorry when needed, but that's rare considering I'm rarely wrong. ;) Now no I'm not that stuck up, its just I argue and refuse to admit I'm wrong when i was not the only person making a mistake. Taking all the blame for a fight is a joke considering it takes two to tango. 

     But here is the inevitable down side to that... Over time I have built up a pretty good number of people that have never gotten over a petty fight with me. So I wanted to try something new today. I woke up this morning, swallowed my pride, and went to school with a list of names of people I needed to apologize too. It didn't matter what the fight/argument was about, I just straight up apologized for everything to everyone. And I have to admit, it feels pretty dang good. Hopefully I can gain back some well missed friendships. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


"She had blue skin,
And so did he.
He kept it hid,
And so did she.
They searched for blue,
Their whole life through,
Than passed right by...
And never knew."
-Shel Silverstein