Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Education these days...

     In today's world, school is no longer about educational learning. School revolves around memorizing the lessons, repeating them onto tests and receiving good grades, but truly not learning much at all. Now I am not claiming a average student does not learn anything in school... just not enough to make it worth while. 

     Test my theory, go to a grownup who went threw high school and ask them to point out at least 10 in particular things they learned. I bet you it will take awhile for them just to come up with five or six. Lets face it, almost everyone will use a good 50% of what they learned in high school, so why waste your time. 

     Now in argument to myself, I believe high school is a very important aspect of a teenagers life to teach them social skills. This is also controversial considering the people who take social rankings and popularity way to seriously and the second they graduate and go off into the real world, reality hits them hard in the face. But the social skills taught in high school no doubt help a person in the future.